Chapter 34 – Filler v2

I have a wish and a hope that one day, ONE DAY, I’ll start a chapter off without Carly eating something… Just maybe…

At least she’s consistent…

Kid #28, Brenden is skilling. I think. I can’t remember. He looks bored, so he must be skilling…

Kids #29 Chase and #30 Desiree are ransacking the kitchen. Nice to see that Des is following in Carly’s footsteps… /sarcasm

Kid #31 is playing games with Quinn

Baby #32 Freya is getting ready to play on the toddler tablet

She’s so cute

And the newest member of the family, Baby #33, Gavin! He’s doing baby things.

And the arrival of little Gavin meant that we, once again, have a full house. So there’s no new babies in this chapter. So we’re going to work to make sure that Brenden, Chase, and Desiree all get A’s at school on monday so that I can move them out and get this challenge back on track!

It’s a nice, beautiful fall Saturday. And here we see the challenge kids hard at work on their homework. They know I want them grown up and out of the house ASAP!

Of course, Quinn is still a young adult, so we’ve got plenty of time lol

We were visited by the puddle duck again!

It’s the first snow of this save! I love virtual snow. Not the real stuff. *shudders* and Winter is Coming…

Joint skilling!

I used to do interesting things like handiness and cooking and charisma. But now all they ever skill in is the video game skill. They’re always too tense to do anything else. lol

Side note: This is where the update from July 31st happened. So all the rest of the pics are blurry because for some reason, the pic quality was affected by the update. :/

We got a hedgehog! I haven’t played with them yet, so I thought, why not? So here’s our new member of the family, Sir Pokesalot!

Oh geez! I love insane sims soooooo much!

Oh wait… they’re erratic now. *eye roll*

We were REALLY low on food for the kids. So Carly went on a cooking spree. Literally. I think she ended up cooking 8 or 9 party size meals.

I somehow forgot Freya’s birthday. But anyway, here she is after her makeover.


Sir Pokesalot had an atomic fart

Gavin aged up too! He’s a cutie!

Carly painted this autonomously! Yay for painting without being told too!

It’s a good thing she did too…

Because we really need the money… DAMN HEATING SO MY SIMS DON’T FREEZE! Ugh. So now Carly is chained to the easel… *sigh*

This is her life now. At least she looks happy about it…

Everyone (but Eleana) got an A! So guess what?!

It’s birthday time! (you’d think they’re triplets… lol)

Kbai! Now we have room for more kiddos! Join us next time for a nooboo and the thrilling conclusion to our bill problem…

5 thoughts on “Chapter 34 – Filler v2

  1. Hey! I have just found this blog and absolutely love it! I can’t wait for more! I would send you a baby daddy or 2 on origin but unfortunately I’m having connection problems with my origin at the moment. Anyway, good luck with the bills!


    1. Thank you! And definitely feel free to send me a couple daddies once you get origin running again! Just let mw know when you do so i can add them to my list 🙂


  2. OMG, the puddle is a duck! Never seen that! (And you say again, so that makes me a bad reader!) I thought you were getting rid of Carly the food addict? And her “friends”…OMG Sir Pokesalot! That’s the BEST hedgehog name. Um… that thermostat caused THAT much of a jump in bills? Holy atomic farts! Maybe I’m glad I haven’t seen it yet. My Sims just dress in their appropriate clothes for the weather when inside or outside. And they don’t burn or freeze.


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